is shapeshifting possible

If it encounters [a possible threat], normally it … He was often represented as a bear, wolf, snake or owl. One type of shapeshifting that seems common across multiple cultures, and belief systems is that the dead can also assume the shape of an animal–sometimes in order to simply visit their loved ones, but often in an attempt to get revenge on those who killed them. Polymorphing 14. She is turned into a monkey against her will, and will remain a monkey until the end of her days…unless she finds a handsome young man, makes him fall in love with her, and he offers her his hand in marriage. [45] In Tatterhood, Tatterhood is transformed by her asking her bridegroom why he didn't ask her why she rode a goat, why she carried a spoon, and why she was so ugly, and when he asked her, denying it and therefore transforming her goat into a horse, her spoon into a fan, and herself into a beauty. Users are often called shape-shifters or metamorphs. It requires a type of belief that has no doubt in it. Assuming the shape of an animal, allowing users to take on traits of that animal. Shapeshifting One of the defining mechanics of Kinetic Edge is shapeshifting. Puddocky is transformed when her prince, after she had helped him with two other tasks, tells him that his father has sent him for a bride. According to myths from the Philippines, the dreaded Aswang is a very evil, very adaptable shapeshifter. Sebastien Roblin Contributor. In many fairy tales, the hero's talking animal helper proves to be a shapeshifted human being, able to help him in its animal form. There're 3 possible killers in the game and very many endings as a result. The most common such shapeshifter is the huli jing, a fox spirit which usually appears as a beautiful young woman; most are dangerous, but some feature as the heroines of love stories. actually shift, it requires your bone structure to be like that of a snakes. As awsome as it would be, physical shapeshifting is not possible. Madame White Snake is one such legend; a snake falls in love with a man, and the story recounts the trials that she and her husband faced. Instead, an Ijiraq will slip by in your periphery. Loki, the famous Norse God, is said to have turned into a female wolf in order to bear his son, Fenrir. The five numbers are 4, 8, 16, 20, and 25. Such wished-for children may become monstrous brides or bridegrooms. As the story goes they both soar into the heavens, and lived together for eternity. Psychiatrists use this term to describe individuals who both fear they will become cannibals, and for those who actually admit to craving human flesh. This lasts until she discovers where he has hidden the article, and she can flee. Now, researchers at the … Shapeshifting by protoplasmically "oozing" into the next shape would be impossible for humans, and most slime molds. and turning at will into a bird. [21]. He can transform into many different, terrifying forms. Morphing 10. He would often change shape in order to elude anyone who searched for him. Copying 5. Goldman, Robert P. (Introduction, translation and annotation) (1996). and Jerry L. Walls, ed. It was also common for deities to transform mortals into animals and plants. In the epic poem, Odysseus’ men are turned into pigs, thanks to the Goddess Circe. Sometimes metamorphoses transformed objects into humans. However, they can not be obtained from Attribute Dungeons For the Swiss company, see, "Shapeshifter" redirects here. One motif is a shape change in order to obtain abilities in the new form. They give her a pair of red shoes, a gold watch, and a giant stone. The five numbers are 1, 4, 8, 25, and 125. The ability to turn into a wolf exists in Native American, European, and Canadian cultures, but often seems most heavily used in Norse mythology. But the spiritual practice of shapeshifting travels well beyond a mythical and supernatural scope. In one better-known story, called Chonguita the Monkey Wife, a beautiful woman is lured out by one of these malicious shapeshifters. In Brother and Sister, when two children flee from their cruel stepmother, she enchants the streams along the way to transform them. Shapeshifting or transformation is the ability to completely change one's body from one form to another, usually by magic or Applied Phlebotinum.Common in Speculative Fiction, and folklore and myths are replete with tales of princes transformed into frogs, gods turning themselves into animals, and so on. Shapeshifting exists as a natural ability in nature whether science has gotten around to describing and claiming it or not. In these tales, the prohibition is broken, invariably, resulting in a separation and a search by one spouse for the other. So having a bird that can takeoff from one of those vehicles … The answer depends on who you are talking to. [36] The motif of capturing a person by holding him through many transformations is found in folktales throughout Europe,[7] and Patricia A. McKillip references it in her Riddle-Master trilogy: a shapeshifting Earthmaster finally wins its freedom by startling the man holding it. Shapeshifting may also include symbolic significance, like the Beast's transformation in Beauty and the Beast indicates Belle's ability to accept him despite his appearance.[28]. Shapeshifting Shapeshifting is a mechanic that allows adventurers to transform into their equipped dragon during a quest. If you get proficient at visualisation with your magic spells, you will normally find it easier to begin practicing advanced techniques such as the wonder of shapeshifting. And the reason for that is, to be able to. Shape-Changing 16. It is much more common in Chaos than Amber though it is possible for Amberites to learn. Those in the know call it shapeshifting: the ability to transform, either physically or mentally, into another creature. From human-reptilian hybrids to alien bodyguards filmed shapeshifting into their true form, we take a look at mysterious shapeshifters caught changing on camera. A 13th-century Edda relates Loki taking the form of a mare to bear Odin's steed Sleipnir which was the fastest horse ever to exist, and also the form of a she-wolf to bear Fenrir.[9]. Philippine mythology includes the Aswang, a vampiric monster capable of transforming into a bat, a large black dog, a black cat, a black boar or some other form in order to stalk humans at night. Information and translations of shapeshifter in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The idea of shapeshifting as a mental exercise is considered possible to many. Transfiguration is a state you can achieve through shapeshifting which allows you to perform transmutation. Transmutation changes substances, shapeshifting changes living forms. Definition of shapeshifter in the dictionary. There is much debate about whether or not shapeshifters really exist. this would mean that in the world where shapeshifting is possible via machines, almost all injuries and all sicknesses would be curable). The stepdaughter is then able to transform herself into a white duck and begins to talk to a boy who works in the kitchens. From episodes of Star Trek, the Twilight Saga, to Terminator 2, shapeshifters are an integral part of fantasy, and science fiction shows, stories, and films. In the Korean Transformation of the Kumiho, a kumiho, a fox with magical powers, transformed itself into an image of the bride, only being detected when her clothing is removed. These ghostly visitors often assume the shape of birds, such as a white dove, or a white duck. In some variants of the tale of Narcissus, he is turned into a narcissus flower. A witch, in The Wonderful Birch, changed a mother into a sheep to take her place, and had the mother slaughtered; when her stepdaughter married the king, the witch transformed her into a reindeer so as to put her daughter in the queen's place. Their natural forms are half-human, half serpent, but it is believed they have the ability to assume the shape of ordinary humans as well. When we consciously employ positive change in our lives, we can destroy that which no longer serves us, and embrace that which will help us transform in a positive way. As a final reward from the gods for their hospitality, Baucis and Philemon were transformed, at their deaths, into a pair of trees. Information and translations of shapeshifting in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. He then swallowed her because he feared that he and Metis would have a son who would be more powerful than Zeus himself. Upon her death, the stepdaughter hears that the mother has convinced the king to marry her, the black bride. Athena sprang from her father's head, fully grown, and in battle armor. In one tale, Chonguita the Monkey Wife,[16] a woman is turned into a monkey, only becoming human again if she can marry a handsome man. Thus, the King marries her and kills the black bride. Tam Lin, a man captured by the Queen of the Fairies is changed into all manner of beasts before being rescued. There is a signicant amount of literature about shapeshifters that appear in a variety of Norse tales. The shapeshifting is done with the nonphysical body, but by taking the procedure one step further, the physical body can also shapeshift. Users with particularly flexible abilities can manipulate their form at will, combining abilities, traits, etc., being able to form limbs into weapons and such. In Somali mythology Qori ismaris ("One who rubs himself with a stick") was a man who could transform himself into a "Hyena-man" by rubbing himself with a magic stick at nightfall and by repeating this process could return to his human state before dawn. Alberich, his counterpart in Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen, using the Tarnhelm, takes on many forms, including a giant serpent and a toad, in a failed attempt to impress or intimidate Loki and Odin/Wotan. Gifted with the ability to foretell the future, Proteus was often sought out by gods, and mortals alike. Hardware-secured. What does shapeshifter mean? Popular shapeshifting creatures in folklore are werewolves and vampires (mostly of European, Canadian, and Native American/early American origin), the huli jing of East Asia (including the Japanese kitsune and Korean kumiho), and the gods, goddesses, and demons of numerous mythologies, such as the Norse Loki or the Greek Proteus. The girl, once gone, can regain her human aspect. Most tales regarding skin-walkers are not openly discussed outside of Navajo communities, however, it is believed that these particular shapeshifters were once traditional healers, who eventually became corrupt. Each year, they had a child. In one tale, the Mestaclocan finds a dying eagle. Inclinkinesis 6. Nereus told Heracles where to find the Apples of the Hesperides for the same reason. To completely understand shapeshifting, we must first start from the beginning. Gwion, having accidentally taken some of the wisdom potion that Ceridwen was brewing for her son, fled from her through a succession of changes that she answered with changes of her own, ending with his being eaten, a grain of corn, by her as a hen. As awsome as it would be, physical shapeshifting is not possible. It is unknown whether you can only change yourself, or other things as well. But what does shapeshifting fully entail? Fairies, witches, and wizards were all noted for their shapeshifting ability. In one story, she was so proud, that her husband, Zeus, tricked her into changing into a fly. Metamorphosis is a slow process and cannot occur instantaneously. 3. In many fairy tales and ballads, as in Child Ballad #44, The Twa Magicians or Farmer Weathersky, a magical chase occurs where the pursued endlessly takes on forms in an effort to shake off the pursuer, and the pursuer answers with shapeshifting, as, a dove is answered with a hawk, and a hare with a greyhound. [4] Other tales include kelpies who emerge from lochs and rivers in the disguise of a horse or woman in order to ensnare and kill weary travelers. Anything is possible. The all-new ShapeShift is your complete crypto management platform: send, receive, trade, track, and hodl bitcoin and other major cryptos. And that [42] At the end of the fairy tale, normally after marriage, such children metamorphose into human form. Sir Gawain thus transformed the Loathly lady; although he was told that this was half-way, she could at his choice be beautiful by day and hideous by night, or vice versa, he told her that he would choose what she preferred, which broke the spell entirely. The idea that someone can turn into an animal at will has been a prevalent notion in literature since the Epic of Gilgamesh was written in 1800 B.C. The banging of her metalworking made Zeus have a headache, so Hephaestus clove his head with an axe. While the popular idea of a shapeshifter is of a human being who turns into something else, there are numerous stories about animals that can transform themselves as well.[1]. The concept remains a common trope in modern fantasy, children's literature and popular culture. In other tales, the woman appealed to other gods to protect her from rape, and was transformed (Daphne into laurel, Cornix into a crow). Although shapeshifting is not believed to be scientifically or medically possible, it is a common theme in myth and a popular theme in science fiction and fantasy stories. These prove to be shapeshifted men, who aid their brother-in-law in a variant of tale types.[37]. Its just not accepted by mechanical thinkers until it is scientifically describable and testable. Some are rare, such as Italo Calvino's "The Canary Prince" is a Rapunzel variant in which shapeshifting is used to gain access to the tower. [35] Tam Lin, once seized by Janet, was transformed by the faeries to keep Janet from taking him, but as he had advised her, she did not let go, and so freed him. A mother, and daughter refuse to help him, but the stepdaughter does. In Shapeshifting, we call all of the medicine of these definitions into your experience, and trust this journey to reconnect you to the depth of your human power, which, in its truest and greatest sense, feels mythic and magical. The idea of shapeshifting is in the oldest forms of totemism and shamanism, as well as the oldest existent literature and epic poems such as the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Iliad. Polymorphing 14. Scriptures describe shapeshifting Rakshasa (demons) assuming animal forms to deceive humans. Changing into the form of an eagle, he convinces the dying bird that it is, in fact, not dying. Aphrodite had pity on him and transformed the stone to a living woman. The king learns of the stepdaughter’s beauty, and decides to marry her. In Tatterhood, a woman magically produces two flowers, but disobeys the directions to eat only the beautiful one, resulting her having a beautiful and sweet daughter, but only after a disgusting and hideous one. Chinese mythology contains many tales of animal shapeshifters, capable of taking on human form. Meaning of shapeshifter. The Rakshasa in their natural forms are said to have two large fangs, and long claws as fingernails. There is, however, more to the word "Nahuel" - it can also signify "a man who by sorcery has been transformed into a puma" (or jaguar). Shapeshifters can often control when they change shape, but not always. The Ijiraq is very elusive, and impossible to see if you attempt to look at it straight on. They are often referred to as the loup-garou, yet another term for werewolf. In The White and the Black Bride and The Three Little Men in the Wood, the murdered – drowned – true bride reappears as a white duck. Such stories surrounding these creatures are usually romantic tragedies. In some myths, the ability to shapeshift is an inherent one–meaning some people are simply born with the skill. However, shapeshifting in astral form is very real, even more so than the physical, because when the physical body dies, our true spirit form remains forever. The closest thing nature has to shape shifting is creatures that can change color, expand their volume, grow new limbs, transform into adults or use metamorphosis as a way to change into another form of themselves. In the world of spirituality, there is a widespread belief that humanity is undergoing a new set of changes. If it encounters [a possible threat], normally it stops and becomes very vulnerable. They enjoy feasting on human beings. [31] In the Italian Campania Fables collection of Pentamerone by Gianbattista Basile, tells of a Neapolitan princess who, to escape from her father who had imprisoned her, becomes a huge she-bear. Shape-Shifting A prince who is forced into a bear's shape (as in East of the Sun and West of the Moon) is a prisoner, but a princess who takes on a bear's shape voluntarily to flee a situation (as in The She-Bear) escapes with her new shape. Clan MacColdrum of Uist's foundation myths include a union between the founder of the clan and a shapeshifting selkie. Nanomorphing 12. All of them are spiritual techniques of changing one thing into something else. Shapeshifting is an internal power known to some immortals. "Metamorph" redirects here. [1], In some tales, the hero or heroine must obey a prohibition; the bride must spend a period of time not seeing the transformed groom in human shape (as in East of the Sun and West of the Moon), or the bridegroom must not burn the animals' skins. Shapeshifting is the power to transform and reshape the form of one's body. Unfortunately, this is not remotely accurate. It is believed that this evil entity can possess, and control humans, forcing them to commit murder, and sometimes cannibalism. Biomorphism 3. 2.1 How to shapeshift - incomplete 2.2 Be careful 2.3 Something to consider To shapeshift is to change the appearance of your physical body, either partially or completely. Pwyll was transformed by Arawn into Arawn's own shape, and Arawn transformed himself into Pwyll's, so that they could trade places for a year and a day. Llwyd ap Cil Coed transformed his wife and attendants into mice to attack a crop in revenge; when his wife is captured, he turned himself into three clergymen in succession to try to pay a ransom. Morphological Being 11. Usually it begins to show itself during the early teen years of an immortals In Slavic Mythology, one of the main gods Veles was a shapeshifting god of animals, magic and the underworld. Biological Alteration 2. Hans My Hedgehog, The Donkey and The Pig King fall under this grouping. Shapeshifting exists as a natural ability in nature whether science has gotten around to describing and claiming it or not. This trait also is attributed to Huldra. Shapeshifting is a trope we often see in popular culture these days. Zeus repeatedly transformed himself to approach mortals as a means of gaining access:[2]. In other variants, the pursued may transform various objects into obstacles, as in the fairy tale "The Master Maid", where the Master Maid transforms a wooden comb into a forest, a lump of salt into a mountain, and a flask of water into a sea. The user can changetheir form, transforming and reshaping their genetic and cellular structure. Citation: Shapeshifting crystals: Varying stability in different forms of gallium selenide monolayers (2020, December 24) retrieved 10 February This document is subject to copyright. This rather antiquated term also pertains to when a deity transforms a human into some type of floral or fauna. In an early Mayan text, the Shapeshifter, or Mestaclocan, has the ability to change his appearance and to manipulate the minds of animals. Fractions to Decimals Fafnir was originally a dwarf, a giant or even a human, depending on the exact myth, but in all variants he transformed into a dragon—a symbol of greed—while guarding his ill-gotten hoard. Many British fairy tales, such as Jack the Giant Killer and The Black Bull of Norroway, feature shapeshifting. Shape-Changing 16. A shapeshifting immune system protein called XCL1 evolved from a single-shape ancestor hundreds of millions of years ago. When one, Sigmund, survived, he and his nephew and son Sinfjötli killed men wearing wolfskins; when they donned the skins themselves, they were cursed to become werewolves. Shape-shifting is a tradition that exists in most native cultures. The Ijiraq is an Inuit shapeshifter that assumes as many forms as it wills. People who often elect to visit their loved ones in this manner were murdered in some particularly gruesome manner. Changing 4. Deucalion and Pyrrha repopulated the world after a flood by throwing stones behind them; they were transformed into people. Lon Chaney’s iconic role as the Wolfman depicts a shapeshifter who not only can’t control his secondary form, he fears it. But many witches and wizards had the capability to shift themselves, and others, into any shape they wished, be it an animal, a human, or even some type of plant. [43] In Puddocky, when three princes start to quarrel over the beautiful heroine, a witch curses her because of the noise. Shape-Shifting Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word shapeshifting. Koren myths tell of evil deeds done by the fox. The Grimm Brothers fairy tale Foundling-Bird contains this as the bulk of the plot. These types of shapeshifters are known for their attempts at wooding young, attractive females who have yet to be married. Meaning of shapeshifting. Sign up today. Morphological Being 11. In Bisclavret by Marie de France, a werewolf cannot regain human form without his clothing, but in wolf form does no harm to anyone. Svipdagr angered Odin, who turned him into a dragon. Most of us have been introduced to shapeshifting through fantasy movies like Twilight, where hunky Jacob shapeshifts from a human into a werewolf. Shapeshifting has been such a common concept on a global level for so long, many argue that there is simply no way it is a fictional ability. Shapeshifting is an internal power known to some immortals. Sometimes, the parent who wishes for a child is told how to gain one, but does not obey the directions perfectly, resulting in the transformed birth. Despite his monstrous appearance, his lover, the goddess Freyja, refused to leave his side. When a special season is active, it is possible to earn Glory Tokens, which can be used to buy packages of 5x Shapeshifting Stones, up to 4 times in total. The Kumiho is a fox that possesses the ability to take on the shape of any human it likes. The folklore also mentions other beings such as the Kapre, the Tikbalang and the Engkanto, which change their appearances to woo beautiful maidens. [12][13][14], Yoginis were associated with the power of shapeshifting into female animals.[15]. Metamorphosis does occur in the natural world, such as when a tadpole develops into a frog. When working with animal spirits and energies, it is possible to consciously employ metamorphosis in the form of shapeshifting. Shapeshifting Stones can be obtained in the Cairos Dungeon by clearing Giant’s Keep B12, Necropolis B12, and Dragons Lair B12. As awsome as it would be, physical shapeshifting is not possible. Hans My Hedgehog was born when his father wished for a child, even a hedgehog. When you’re very experienced and competent, it is possible to jump in and out of your shapeshifting state in a couple of seconds, and “change” at will into whatever form you so desire. The father comes out, and the white bird rewards him with the gold watch. Please do not categorize individual characters in this category. There are African folk tales of murder victims avenging themselves in the form of crocodiles that can shapeshift into human form.[47]. own. Anything is possible. It’s based on the belief that everything is made of energy and that we are all connected to each other through this force. [44], The heroine must fall in love with the transformed groom. Shapeshifters from Science Fiction to Science Fact: Globetrotting from Titan's Rugged Cliffs to its Deep Seafloors Water spirits such as the each-uisge, which inhabit lochs and waterways in Scotland, were said to appear as a horse or a young man. One macabre story, The White and the Black Bride, is a German folktale. In The Brown Bear of Norway, The Golden Crab, The Enchanted Snake and some variants of The Frog Princess, burning the skin is a catastrophe, putting the transformed bride or bridegroom in danger. Fairies, witches, and wizards make frequent appearances in Irish, and British folktales, and they often have the ability to change their appearance as a plot device. They can impersonate others or enhance one's body for combat. According to the Navajos, skin-walkers are evil witches that possess the ability to turn into different animals. Math turned the three young animals into boys. Once she has consumed one hundred livers, she will remain a human indefinitely. In his centuries long life he became successively a stag, a wild boar, a hawk and finally a salmon prior to being eaten and (as in the Wooing of Étaín) reborn as a human. The concept of shapeshifting is an ancient one. In 1914, three brothers explored a cave in southwest France, and discovered ancient drawings along the cavern walls. [WP]: Shapeshifting is not only possible, it is also easy and common. In extreme cases, such as petrifaction, the character is entirely disabled. Individuals who practice meditation, and deep trance-like techniques claim they can mentally project their mental self away from their physical self. Some shapeshifters are able to change form only if they have some item, usually an article of clothing. Shapeshifting Pegasus Drone Both Drives And Flies, Now Has Smart Radio. The answer is sadly no. Instead they are reflections or shadows cast by the underlying ideas of the forms. The five numbers are 3, 6, 15, 20, and 75. Less drastic but no less apparently fatal, the fox in The Golden Bird, the foals in The Seven Foals, and the cats in Lord Peter and The White Cat tell the heroes of those stories to cut off their heads; this restores them to human shape. [17] The kumiho has nine tails and as she desires to be a full human, she uses her beauty to seduce men and eat their hearts (or in some cases livers where the belief is that 100 livers would turn her into a real human). In Japanese folklore ōbake are a type of yōkai with the ability to shapeshift. Hindu folklore tells of the Rakshasa, demonic beings that assume the shape of various animals in order to trick humans. In one variation, featured in The Three Enchanted Princes and The Death of Koschei the Deathless, the hero's three sisters have been married to animals. When the King hears of a talking duck, he finds it and cuts off her head. Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Shapeshifting. When a form is taken on involuntarily, the thematic effect can be one of confinement and restraint; the person is bound to the new form. Unless we had a way to accelerate our cells without aging them or damaging an individuals body in some way, there is no way that a transformation is possible … You have to These eerie beings can occasionally be helpful to hunters that stumble upon them. What Are Orbs of Light and What Do They Mean? Adored by her stepbrother, but hated by her stepmother, a young lady agrees to let her stepmother comb out her hair for her. Megamorphing 7. In Greek mythology, the transformation is often a punishment from the gods to humans who crossed them. Home; Services What we do for you; Red Envelopes An introduction to red envelopes; Sign up Sign up for a registry; Menu Korean mythology also contains a fox with the ability to shapeshift. Revista Eletrônica sobre Antiguidade e Medievo, 6(1): 135-158. Gunnhild, Mother of Kings (Gunnhild konungamóðir) (c. 910  –  c. 980), a quasi-historical figure who appears in the Icelandic Sagas, according to which she was the wife of Eric Bloodaxe, was credited with magic powers - including the power of shapeshifting They claim that the material will be able to perform shape-shifting and … Metamorphing 8. Both were transformed into animals, for one year each. While the brother refrains from the first two, which threaten to turn them into tigers and wolves, he is too thirsty at the third, which turns him into a deer. Self-Transmogrification/Transmutation 15. The stepmother then uses the axe to cut off her head and puts the girl’s heart, and liver into a stew for the family to eat. Changing 4. In Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, it is believed that a race of people called Naga exist. Tales abound about the selkie, a seal that can remove its skin to make contact with humans for only a short amount of time before it must return to the sea. Other shapeshifters, such as the Kapre, the Tikbalang, and the Engkanto, also exist in Philippino culture. and Jerry L. Walls, ed. This eventually leads to a form in which the character (or characters) can reveal the truth to someone able to stop the villain. 2. Shape shifting Scientifically describable. Metis, however, was already pregnant. Self-Transmogrification/Transmutation 15. Nanomorphing 12. Cadmus is also often known to have transformed into a dragon or serpent towards the end of his life. Witches were believed to turn into hares, sneak onto properties, and steal milk, and butter. There are multiple types of animals that are common in varying myths, but none so more than the werewolf. Shapeshifting is a technique of changing from one energetic state to another. For limited shapeshifting, see the Transformationpage inste… The name of the Nahuel Huapi Lake in Argentina derives from the toponym of its major island in Mapudungun (Mapuche language): "Island of the Jaguar (or Puma)", from nahuel, "puma (or jaguar)", and huapí, "island". You can, however, get it done surgically. Other aspects of this power include; 1. Some say it’s possible to spot them only in the midst of shapeshifting. The fox, or kitsune is among the most commonly known, but other such creatures include the bakeneko, the mujina and the tanuki. In many traditional cultures, its still practiced today, and theres value in learning to do this for yourself. And you can not do it on your. [4], Witches could turn into hares and in that form steal milk and butter.[5].

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