pros and cons of imperialism in africa

The Pros And Cons Of Imperialism In Africa. In the poem, “The White Man’s Burden,” by Rudyard Kipling he writes, “Take up the White Man's burden; Send forth the best ye breed; Go bind your sons to exile; To serve your captives' need.” (Document P). The United States, Canada, South Korea, Niger, India, Kenya, Australia, and the Republic of South Africa and more shared the pros and cons of colonial systems. Caused bitter feelings between imperial nations and the people they ruled. The European colonists had good intentions when spreading their influence over Africa, but like many good intentions they fell apart. Introduced the concept of a democratically elected popular government to ensure political stability. Pros and Cons of Imperialism in Africa. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. i have a huge history project on imperialism due in a few weeks and i need to find out this info fast. What is visual communication and why it matters; Nov. 20, 2020. Imperialism may change cultures because of how the strong dominates the weak. Many of the Europeans who emigrated enjoyed being superior because they believed they were doing the right thing (Document K). Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. 3. Colonialism Improved Health and Care System. More people have access to higher-level educational opportunities as well, … Africa Modern educational curriculums and teaching methods come with the practice of imperialism, helping more people gain a basic understanding of core needs, such as mathematics and language. Many European countries wanted to expand to other parts of the world, spreading their influence, religion, increasing their money and power through colonization. Let’s look at the pros and cons of imperialism. For example, a sophisticated standard of living and racial discrimination were some of the advantages and disadvantages of imperialism in Africa. Effects Of Imperialism In Africa Negative Effects Of Imperialism In Africa. The people in Africa came to know what kind of valuable resources were in their land. Did imperialism have a more positive or more negative impact on the world? Human Abuse; Before we receive the invited visitors to the border of Africa, there was little or no record of abuse to human right, there is nothing like an infringement on fundamental principles and law that human has. CONS: If the local ruler refuses to work with the mother country. IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA 2. One common phenomenon between many nations of the world is the colony. In this era, almost all of Africa and southern and southeast Asia were colonized. He was mistaken as a philanthropist and no one had suspected him; “He has welcomed Christian missionaries to his new colony; his troops, it is said, have fought and defeated local slave traders who preyed on the population; and for more than a decade European newspapers have praised him for investing his personal fortune in public works to benefit the Africans.” [1] In reality, Leopold’s policies were callously ruining the land and petrifying the Congolese, abusing the labours to work long hours without. Cons 1. Also, the document states that this discovery was made in 1820, near the beginning and middle of the war, and this therefore increased their man-power in the war effort, giving them an advantage that allowed them to colonize Africa. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. The European countries got so greedy they started to fight each other over the colonies and thats how the World Wars started. An imperialist government may want to acquire a territory to gain additional sources of inextensive labor and raw materials (Vontz, “Imperialism”).Industrialized nations can produce more manufactured goods than their people need or can afford to buy (Vontz, “Imperialism”). The other big legacy of imperialism in Africa are the borders. Britain. Boost economic growth: Imperialism resulted in the introduction of industrialization and the use of modern technology which led to economic growth. This document represents the many discoveries and inventions that helped Europeans take over Africa. With the increase of technology and development during the industrial revolution, the Europeans believed it was their duty to “assist” the Africans. Africa After European Imperialism Most of the continent gained independence from Europe by the 1960s. The transportation in colonial Africa brings a transportation revolution, because trade costs were extremely high before. Another thing that I notice is that both the amounts of imports and outports drastically spiked, and again, I think this is because of the colonization of Africa. But since the imperialist came on board all over the border of Africa all because the Africans are seen as … The natural resources in Africa motivated European countries to take control of certain areas. If the forced upon slave trade hadn’t been established by European states, then millions of West Africans may have remained in their countries as economically active citizens to further their economic stature, which in turn would result in an industrial revolution amongst West African states, as their agricultural production would have remained, Leopold commissions Henry M Stanley to create trades in Congo. The pros of colonialism in Africa: Brought about a "peaceful" co-existence between tribes who had for centuries been at war with one another. Joseph Chamberlain when addressing the public, stated that- “Uganda is a most fertile country. Pros: 1. Following these high needs, the Europeans colonized the African lands for their raw goods. 2. European political rivalry for Africa’s land only intensified the already tense situation, giving further reason for European countries to colonize Africa. On the other hand, the new imperialism was the period between the years “1870-1914”, where Europe became more focused on expanding their land into Asia and Africa. They also couldn’t find a remedy. In order to avoid disputation between nations, Otto Man Bismarck arranged the Belgian Conference where these nations divided Africa peacefully. Europeans got all the resources from Africa cheap and then sold them with high prices. In addition, it also had many causes led by the feeling of nationalism. Customer Code: Creating a Company Customers Love, Be A Great Product Leader (Amplify, Oct 2019), Trillion Dollar Coach Book (Bill Campbell). The subjugated area existed to benefit the imperialist power, and had almost no independence of action. They developed a modern banking system. The pros and cons of Imperialism …show more content… Imperialism brought in more money. Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved. When the Europeans sat down at the Berlin Conference and drew lines on a map they were not taking into consideration the Africans at all. Jessie Palmer. Building hospitals, schools, and factories helped in creating more jobs for the people were the ways of making countries civilized. The colonialist focused on transportation sector because of its importance in furthering European mining interests while as well in the aspect of agriculture, the transportation was largely to connect the agriculturally rich areas. Paul Leroy Beaulieu wrote, “It is not natural for the civilized people of the west to gather the marvels of science, art, and civilization and not share the opportunities with the savages in need. One example that gives insight to how India was impacted by Britain’s imperialism, is Dadabhai Naoroji’s speech, “The Pros and Cons of British Rule.” Naoroji, a man born into a prosperous family, left his math career so he can fight for better conditions for India. American Imperialism In Africa Dbq Analysis, Document C They developed plantations and mines. 3. What were some social pros of imperialism in Africa? This great time period was known as the Age of Imperialism. Pros and cons of imperialism for the colonized countries Pros 1. For example, the bar graph shows an extreme increase in the amount of money exchanged throughout the imports and exports, and their is a large difference between 1854, before colonization, and 1900, near the middle of the colonization period. 6 Pros and Cons of American Imperialism America is one of the most powerful nations of the world. •IMPERIALISM - extending a nation’s power over other lands. Raw materials2.Direct control of markets & new markets to sell goods 4. Nov. 21, 2020. It paved the way in the advancement of infrastructure and machinery, helping the colonized countries progress. Since African kingdoms in those times were not as developed, it was easy for Europe to conquer African land and soon enough the mad scramble for Africa began. Directions: Read the following Pros and Cons about Imperialism. The country is able to expand its empire, culture and trade activities. This era was the result of the high demands for resources due to the birth of industrialization during the late 18th century. The biggest pros and cons of American imperialism suggest that outward expansion can be helpful, but often more so for the United States than for the targeted location. it focuses on imperialism in africa and asia. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Imperialism: East According to this document, a driving force behind European imperialism in Africa is the economical benefit that came from Africa’s many natural resources. gains control over Latin America, and significant political recognition Consequence of Imperialism in Latin America: -Countries deeply exploited Latin America to the point where they Document C This document represents the many discoveries and inventions that helped Europeans take over Africa. As a result, there was improvement in the standard of living while literacy rate increased exponentially as educational institutes were established. After Stanley reports that Congo may potentially harbour vast resources, Leopold joined the Berlin Conference in 1885. Pros and Cons of Imperialism Imperialism, as old as the civilization, is the physical and geographical domination over the weaker section of the society, for its expansion or exploitation. An imperialist government may want to acquire a territory to gain additional sources of inextensive labor and raw materials. And the big money maker at that time was Africa, England especially had taken quite a few colonies there. The most powerful countries, France and Britain, received the most land(Doc A). December 2017 Imperialism Essay Following the age of Industrialization in the 18th century. The 12th century French monk Bernard of Clairvaux once said, “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions”. And by extension, imperialism brought about globalization. Show More. 1170 Words 5 Pages. South Africa's black majority took power after nonracial, democratic elections in 1994. They drew borders that separated one ethnic group into 2 or 3 new colonies or, even worse, that forced two historic enemies into the same colony. APIdays Paris 2019 - Innovation @ scale, APIs as Digital Factories' New Machi... No public clipboards found for this slide, Pros and Cons of Imperialism: East Africa. This race to expand European colonial influence is often referred to by historians as the “Scramble for Africa.” The most important invention on this document is the discovery of quinine from cinchona tree bark. Gratitude in the workplace: How gratitude can improve your well-being and relationships He claimed that he was interested in ‘promoting Christianity in Congo and civilise the nation to profit the Congolese’. Its sheer size, economy, territories, and technological advancements make it so influential that many smaller nations or cultures look up to America as if it were a god. 1. This was mainly due to their high levels of illiteracy. Scramble Africa And The Aftermath Essay 2328 Words | 10 Pages. This poem is proof that racism was a major selling point of African imperialism and is another example of paternalism, the idea that what they were doing was for the best of the Africans. At least two patterns I see or two things that I notice are that two of the inventions are guns, which means that in this time, guns were, This is especially shown through the invention of the steam engine near the beginning of the war for Africa. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Pros: 1. Pros and Cons of Imperialism in Africa and South Asia 1. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Blog. IMPERIALISM Don’t write! In a global capitalist market, an infrastructure investment brings about economic change which reduces trade costs and integrating markets. While being occupied, developing are introduced to new 2. The resources that fueled European imperialism were slave trade, and the mining of gold and diamonds. •Africa seen as new sources of things Euro wanted such as:1. Document. This is because, as the document says, this was used as a treatment for the disease malaria, which prevented much of the population from developing this deadly disease. ty Nationalism is a tool that can bind members of a nation or nation-state together, but it is also the framework of political campaigning and serves as the justification of violent government action towards other nations or nation-states. By the 1800’s, there were intense rivalries among the European nations as they skated claims to parts of Africa. 1. People got educated. PRO (FOR) CON (AGAINST) In some places imperialism ended local wars. Healthcare: improved sanitation, hospitals + schools opened---> lifespan increased + literacy improved. The fact that the exports from Africa increased and became greater than the imports during the colonization period shows how Europe was using Africa as a source of income and took advantage of the resources within Africa. Choose whether you support imperialism or are against imperialism. 3. 2. i would love some pointers and help out cause it is so hard to find it just by googling. Developing countries gain access to new technologies. Led to political democracy: Political imperialism led to the concept of democratic government resulting in a stable political environment. There are great benefits, like better security and technology access, but there are disadvantages as well. Aside from that, resources were efficiently utilized for manufacturing and trade, … However, the colonizers came to Africa and brought some enlightenment, whereby, through imperialism, … Following are some pros and cons of imperialism: Pros Most superpowers brought with them modern technologies and introduced industrialization in smaller nations, boosting the economy. They connected areas of high economic potentials. Furthermore, the Africa’s economy was very good but they do not exploit what they cannot use, knowing this by the colonial masters they decided to come and exploit using the excuse of not civilize and religious on doing that it makes the Africans to depend on them when the land is owned by them. Motives for the colonization of Africa were that European interest in Africa began growing from the 1400’s as European nations acquired the military and technological capacities for overseas voyages and conquests (Klemm. 1. Cultures tend to lose their uniqueness through imperialism and they lose their freedom of self-governing. The most important invention on this document is the discovery of quinine from cinchona tree bark. 1457 Words 6 Pages. The steam engine allowed for a “more constant and forceful source of power” for use in boats and trains, which showed that the Europeans were focused on developing ways to travel more efficiently across land, which requires land to travel through in the first place. African Imperialism In Africa 1066 Words | 5 Pages. Before the coming of the colonizers to Africa, the Africans experienced lots of infant and childhood deaths, yet they were not aware of what the causes of the fatalities were. As result in 1884, the Partition of Africa took place (Doc A). Making African products become more valuable to the international market helped Africa a lot as it gave them a good amount of money. The word imperialism is derived from the Latin verb imperare which means to command and from the Roman concept of imperium (expansion). You can change your ad preferences anytime. what were pros and cons of imperialism in africa and asia? 1. The African people got the hospital and other public systems after the Europeans left. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. These dominant countries sought to show off their nation’s pride and power through the amount of land each of them owned. Provided a unified government which then … Beside having control over resources, Africa also gave Europeans strategic areas of land that helped their militaries or trade canals. Scrambling Africa and the Aftermath. -Turning point for Latin America >Spain turns away from Latin America to domestic needs >U.S. The seeds of these results were planted during the late 19th century, also known as the Imperialistic Era. It uses over 650 military bases to offer protection to people during conflicts. Develop global defense support: US imperialism has helped in providing the world with a high level of defensive support. The Pros And Cons Of Ultranationalism. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Imperial nations set up schools and hospitals. Pros And Cons Of Imperialism 1195 Words | 5 Pages. Some negative consequences of the European imperialism in Africa were, that the Atlantic slave trade started, for 200-300 years, the daily life for many of them was really bad, doing hard, work with almost no food, no money, they had nothing. Pros. In addition, the Europeans also developed the electric telegraph to communicate over long distances which once again exhibits Europe’s determination for acquiring more land and being able to travel and communicate across, I think this is because the colonization of Africa is between 1870 and 1900, so by 1900, Africa had been colonized. What were some economic pros of imperialism in India? This is because, as the document says, this was used as a treatment for the disease malaria, which prevented … Pros of Colonialism. Africa’s exports were comprised of raw materials such as oil, copper, cotton, coffee, and cocoa. It was so devastating that their population barely grew. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. After moving to Britain, Naoroji was able to become the first Indian to ever join Britain’s Parliament. It also provides new opportunities for those cultures to learn. 4. View Pros_and_cons_of_imperialism_ from HISTORY 6766 at University of South Carolina. Colonial imperialism - This form of imperialism is virtual complete takeover of an area, with domination in all areas: economic, political, and socio-cultural. 2. 3. Imperialism had many pros and cons. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Most of these countries are also known to use covert military operations, supply arms to many rebels, and destabilize the governments that do not favor them. Pros and cons of indirect rule... PROS: Cost effective, natural resources come easily, very little loss of culture for the natives. Positive and Negative aspects of European imperialism in East Africa. When European countries realized the incredible natural resources Africa held during the first few years of exploration, Ghana is a prime example of a country that had to deal with the burden of the slave trade where “the scene in many rural areas appears to have changed little with grass thatched mud-walled huts”, this is inadvertently caused by the transatlantic slave trade.

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