spectrolite labradorite meaning

Labradorite is named after the region Labrador in Canada where the mineral was identified for the first time. Labradorite is a stone of protection and wisdom. Spectrolite quarried from the rugged bedrock of Ylämaa in the South East of Finland is a Finnish gemstone which meets the three basic requirements: beauty, hardness and rarity. Let’s dive further into these meanings. Spectrolite usually designates a particularly high quality labradorite that is mined in Finland. Lets you see many possibilities at … Labradorite is a plagioclase feldspar. These Finnish specimens displayed the entire color spectrum described above and were rightfully called Spectrolite. The Meaning of LABRADORITE (Spectrolite) "Spiritual Awakening" An Eleventh Step Stone "...having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps..." Color: Multi. Exclusively from deposits in Finland’s southeast, Finnish Spectrolite can display the entire color spectrum (blue, green, orange, red, violet, and yellow), making it the world’s […] Labradorite is found in Canada, Madagascar, Mexico, Russia and the United States. Spiritual: Labradorite spiritual meaning energizes your imagination to create new ideas, bringing clarity to your inner self, bring peace, promote the third eye, encourages truth, flexibility, awakens freedom and balance, easy flow of energy within the body, and natural release. Labradorite was discovered again in the 1940s, this time in Finland. Here, we will tell you about the healing and metaphysical properties of labradorite. Golden Labradorite Properties Golden Labradorite is found as Spectrolite is also used to clear negative feelings such as anxiety or fear. Looking at this stone may remind one of the Aurora Borealis. In 2010 another single find of Spectrolite occurred in the town of Ampanihy, south of Madagascar. The colors include all colors in spectrum; mostly blue, green, yellow and purple often compared … The energy of the innumerable light will tell you the best future. Spectrolite is a variety of labradorite with intense colors, originally found in Finland. Labradorite is a feldspar mineral that is similar to sunstone and moonstone. Labradorite regulates the hormones, activates the thymus gland, strengthens the immune system, and stimulates self-healing in the very early stages of the disease. Please note: Crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. It has rich, shamanic vibes due to its connection to the Inuit community. It is also a stone that promotes total relaxation of the body from stress. Labradorite is the “umbrella” name for a particular kind of feldspar named after a primary location in Labrador. Red Labradorite - Describes the gemstone Andesine, which is essentially Labradorite that has been artificially colored to a reddish tone by diffusion treatment with copper. Spectrolite is a dark and opalescent blue with a shimmer when the light hits it. Labradorite is a great stone for aligning the spinal discs. It was discovered in Finland during WWII, and it is also called falcon's-eye. The Madagascar Spectrolite is widely sold as Labradorite, and today few collectors are even aware of the difference between the two stones. It has layers that refract light as that gorgeous play of colors. Spectrolite exhibits a richer range of colors than other labradorites as for instance in Canada or Madagascar (which show mostly tones of blue-grey-green) and high labradorescence. The stone itself is usually gray, gray-green, grayish-white, or black. It creates a way to communicate with higher self and consciousness and it strengthens psychic powers to boost sensory perception. Labradorite is a joyous, happy creative stone. It is a stone that is believed to subtly change your response to different situations in an emotional and physical way. It would give you the energy and the power to open up your future. Labradorite is a gemstone for the throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra. The meaning of labradorite has quite a long and eventful history. It is found in Canada, Madagascar, Mexico, Russia and the USA. [Eason, 163] Labradorite and the Angelic Realm. Spectrolite - Variety of Labradorite from Finland that displays a schiller color effect with intense colors such as dark red, orange, yellow, blue, and green. Black Labradorite is also called "magical stone", and there are many fans of professional fortune-tellers, too. It has a labradorescence which is the meaning behind its name. The meanings behind spectrolite and labradorite are rooted in their iridescence, much like their popularity. Spectrolite is a hard and rare variety of labradorite only from Finland. In the 1940s Labradorite was discovered in Finland that exhibited the entire colour spectrum, and these were named Spectrolite. SPECTROLITE PRECIOUS blue oval 20x14 mm, available other calibrated or free forms and sizes - only from Finland! Labradorite stones have been used in many long-standing cultures even though it was discovered recently in the sixteenth century. A labradorite is a precious gemstone with a Feldspar substance and is also called Spectrolite. Legend has it, that once upon a time, an Inuit warrior saw that the Northern Lights had become trapped in a piece of the stone. It has great positive energy condensed inside. It is known for the strong characteristics and the charming iridescence of spectrum colors. It is associated with the solar plexus chakra. Depending on the size of the stone, its color is usually from off-white to black, or a glowing blue to natural green. Rainbow moonstone (which is generally not moonstone, i.e., adularia or albite, at all) is also labradorite. If your birthday falls in any of the following periods, a Labradorite can be a valuable conduit to your Guardian Angel. Labradorite stone meaning is strongly connected to these gems reputation as the top protector stone in the mineral kingdom. Labradorite is a feldspar mineral. Spectrolite has a meaning and properties of brightening up owner's mind. Finnish Spectrolite is a variety of Labradorite defined by its origin, as well as the range, richness, and number of hues displayed by its uniquely beautiful, labradorescent ‘play of color’. Gemstone quality labradorite is also known as ‘spectrolite’. It has since been found in other areas around the world. Healing qualities: Good for mental sharpness, intellect, right/left brain activity, inspiration, intuition and originality. Spectrolite (a form of labradorite) from my collection. Photos: Canadian Labradorite, Northern Lights, Madgascar Labradorite The finest quality Labradorite is found in Finland, and is called Spectrolite. Labradorite, a feldspar mineral in the plagioclase series that is often valued as a gemstone and as ornamental material for its red, blue, or green iridescence.The mineral is usually gray or brown to black and need not be iridescent; when used as a gem it is usually cut en cabochon (with a rounded convex surface). [1] [2] The term is sometimes incorrectly used to describe labradorite whenever a richer display of colors is present, regardless of locality. The mineral has a pearly sheen and some specimens have a schiller effect. Labradorite is said to have several healing and metaphysical properties. Labradorite is rated at 6 – 6.5 on the Mohs Hardness scale meaning it is hard enough for most types of jewelry but a bit of care should be taken with items such as rings or bracelets which are exposed to more knocks and bumps than, say, earrings or pendants. Labradorite Meaning. Labradorite Highlights. Spectrolite has much more intense colors and patterns than most labradorite. This gemstone has been told that it can make you have hope for the future. Labradorite is a stone of magic and protection. This stone is named after Labrador, and is associated with many of the ancient magical practices of the region, including knot rituals. Labradorite is also known as Spectrolite. Labradorite was named after the peninsula of Labrador in Canada, where it was discovered in 1770. Labradorite is the middle ground of the plagioclase feldspar spectrum, containing both sodium and calcium. Labradorite is a crystal of magic, protection, and psychic abilities. The Divinatory meaning of Labradorite: You may have to temporarily make the best of a less-than-ideal situation, but soon will be able to do things your way. Generally speaking, the name Spectrolite is used today primarily as a branding name for the minerals coming from the Finnish quarries. This rare Madagascar Spectrolite has an extremely intense spectrum of colors, patterns and stone structure but was found in much larger Only gemstone quality stones from a locality in Finland used to be named spectrolite. Other: Spectrolite is a black iridescent form of labradorite. Golden Labradorite is a rare and unique stone which symbolizes the power of illumination, clarity of mind, male qualities, and positive energy. It is a 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale and is not expensive. This comes from the fact that many lights stay in black crystals. Labradorite meaning is closely connected with the gemstone’s ability to clean, balance and protect the aura. The mesmerizing colors from the stones resembling the northern lights are the main reason for the mysterious Inuit folklores and its … Work: At work labradorite will help you with any changes or transitions that you have to make. The energy is also soothing and calming, and is particularly useful to place under your pillow whilst sleeping. labradorite meaning & labradorite healing properties Labradorite gem is taking us on a journey to the deepest levels of consciousness. Labradorite Geological Description: Labradorite is a plagioclase feldspar, a sodium calcium aluminium silicate mineral with a hardness of 6 to 6.5. Their dark surface with rays of color shining below have mostly come to symbolize protection and transformation. With its ability to clean, balance, and protect the aura, it is widely used in crystal healing therapies. Black Labradorite is a gemstone that has a meaning and properties to predict the future. Labradorite Divination. Those shades of lighter blue or green … It helps with bone problems, gout, and rheumatism. Labradorite conveys courage and mysticism. The "flash" is known as "labradorescence." Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment. Its magnificent tints that sparkle in the scope of glowing blues and greens fascinate from the first sight. It helps one rise in the morning well-rested and … In the 1940’s a type of Labradorite which displays the whole spectrum of colours was found in Finland and named Spectrolite. What is Labradorite? Spectrolite is a labradorite feldspar, a member of the albite-anorthite series with approximately 55% anorthite. It can be worn without having any tiring implications. As it vibrates with the Crown Chakra, labradorite is used in crystal healing therapies as a generally protective crystal, but also to support enhanced brain health. There are three varieties of labradorite: spectrolite, rainbow moonstone, and andesine … The crystals are often found in thin and tabular shapes with colors ranging from purple to grey blue, green, yellow, and brown. Spectrolite and Labradorite Meaning. It is a type of Feldspar that has a play of color that’s called labradorescence. It helps integrate the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Labradorite is a zodiac stone for Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

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